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MYP Gr. 6 INS River Valley Civilizations
Ancient Mesopotamia
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MYP Gr. 6 INS River Valley Civilizations: Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Egypt
Indus Valley civilization
Ancient China
OIS Secondary
Gale: Ancient Mesopotamia
Britannica Online - ancient mesopotamia and Tigris-Euphrates-river-system
BrainPop - Sumer civilization in Mesopotamia
New World Encyclopedia - Euphrates River
Ancient History Encyclopedia - Mesopotamia
Gale: Gardens
Gale: Overview for Prehistory and Ancient Times
Website - Mesopotamia - Fertile Crescent AND video on Hammurabi
Wonderopolis - Fertile Crescent
Flocabulary - Fertile Crescent Song
Ancient History Lists - Contributions of Hammurabi
Modern Connections
World Atlas - Where is the Tigris River
Asharq Al-Awaat News: Conflicting Assessments on Baghdad’s Flood Risk
Gale: Audio "Drought Withers Iraqi Farms, Food Supplies Citation metadata"
Global Risk Insights: Water Shortage and Unrest in Iraq
Washington Post - A Turkish dam is about to flood one of the oldest continuously settled places on Earth
National Geographic Video: Tigris River Dam
Vox - Video "Iraq Water River Crisis"
Extension: Primary and Other
Gale: Primary Resource "Code of Hammurabi"
Science Mag - First Farmers Were Surprisingly Diverse
Gale: Plough and Now
Ancient History Lists - Primary Resource "The Atrahasis"
Ancient Texts - Primary Resource "Epic of Gilagmesh"
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