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OIS Gr. 3 / 4: WWAIPT Explore

Central Idea

Central Idea: Exploration leads to discovery and develops new understandings.

We will inquire into: reasons for exploration, how exploration impacts people's lives, ways exploration changes over time and asking questions and taking notes for organizing research.

Database: BrainPop

BrainPop: Marco Polo

Explores on lands and reaches China

BrainPop: Vikings

Explore the seas and land 

BrainPop: Columbus

Explore the sea and runs into North America

BrainPop: Gallielo

Explores the stars and science

BrainPop: Marie Curie

Explore science and chemistry

BrainPop: Submarine

Explore the sea

Reference: Encyclopedia Britannica

Database: BrainPop Jr

Google Earth Explorers

Database: PebbleGo